
Store Call of Cthulhu RPG: Down Darker Trails – Terrors of Cthulhu in the Wild West (Hardcover) CHA 23151-H – Miniature Marvels: Airplane Models & Painted Dice Role-playing Game

Original price was: $44.95.Current price is: $21.58.

Saddle up! Get yourself a posse together and have a look-see what’s over that hill. There’s strange rumors c…



Saddle up! Get yourself a posse together and have a look-see what’s over that hill. There’s strange rumors coming in from the whisperin’ desert. You’d best put a round in that iron and make haste! Down Darker Trails is a new setting for Call of Cthulhuthe American West of the late 19th century. The era of gold rushes, outlaws and lawmen, discovery and expansion. Rub shoulders with the likes of Wild Bill Hickok, Crazy Horse, and Calamity Jane, while journeying through towns like Deadwood and Dodge Citynames and places that have transcended history to become legend. Down these dark trails the taint of the Cthulhu Mythos stirs, ready to lure the unwary and tempt the power hungry with whispered secrets of cosmic knowledge. This is a West of hidden worlds, lost treasures and cities, dubious deals and unsavory alliances. A land filled with beauty, mystery, terrorand wild adventure!

Whats Inside?
The Mythos manifests in the Old West, your investigators must take to the wilds that make up the lawless lands and fight back against the ancient and unknown evil that haunts the prairie. While the core rules support play with classic Call of Cthulhu, additional rules for Pulp Cthulhu allow you to swing into the line-quipping, guns-blazing action with new enemies, new talents, and new character options!